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Data To The People

Databilities® Partnership


Our Databilities® Partnership model incorporates customised enterprise-wide assessments, tools and training to uplift data literacy across the organisation. 

The model is delivered over three key phases of work:

  • Measure

  • Map

  • Develop




You can’t manage what you don’t measure.
The first step is to assess your ‘current state’ of data literacy. Our Organisational Assessment against the Databilities® framework provides an opportunity for you to measure – at scale – the current level of data literacy across a diverse range of your employees.

The Assessment identifies both areas of strength, and areas of opportunity, in specific competencies across your organisation.

Your Assessment is customised to reflect your organisation’s unique features and can identify pockets of excellence as well as those areas of your business that could do with some additional support.




It's hard to complete a jigsaw puzzle without knowing what the end result should look like.

With the insights gained from your Organisational Assessment, we step you through the creation of competency maps grounded in the Databilities® framework. 

These maps establish a shared and achievable vision for what data literacy could look like across all roles and functions. We can map an organisation-wide standard, as well as the aspirational standard for different job families and responsibilities across the organisation.

Our approach is an engaging and consultative one, with opportunities for different stakeholder groups to contribute to and shape the maps.



Our strategy and implementation roadmaps are designed to address identified gaps, celebrate existing strengths and support organisational development, including:

  • development and rollout of communications and engagement strategy

  • bespoke training, workshops, online learning modules

  • leader resources, including talking points, checklists and key questions to support leaders to foster a stronger data culture 

  • integration of agreed competency models in position descriptions, hiring and performance management functions.


We work in partnership with our clients to implement their tailored roadmap – whether as leaders or supporters – to exponentially improve data literacy across every aspect of your business.

Let's Get This Partnership Started

Write us:

PO Box 914

South Melbourne VIC 3205

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